clay products

All about-Filtered River Clay Products

What is Terracotta?

Terracotta is a clay based product which even emerged as a trend in sculpture making in ancient times. Usually, terracotta is manufactured by putting the clay into its desired shape and then burning the product after which it retains it shape and gains a solidified structure.

Terracotta was one of the major attractions in the history of India, but unfortunately, people do not show interest in the practical application of terracotta in modern day scenario. The existing terracotta sculptures in the temples or an antique shop is a common situation in the current backdrop of scenario.

Use of Terracotta products

 The use of terracotta related clay products is not very abundant in modern days. However, a few restaurants, as well as food joints having a traditional theme, have attempted to bring back clay products in the form of food serving vessels, thus providing a subtle and classy appearance. Apart from the kitchen related utensils, some people even use them for gardening purposes.

Benefits of using terracotta clay products

 The discussion will be subdivided into two categories: the first one related to kitchen utensils and the second one related to gardening necessities.


 Even in rural areas, women prefer to use earthenware or clay vessels for their cooking necessities. There are certain reasons which pave the path to their application and they are discussed below in details:

  • Slow cooking

Cooking in clay utensils facilitate in slow cooking. The process of slow cooking signifies that there should not be any raw food items left after the cooking procedure is over. To ensure this, we know that clay pots are porous in nature which leads to a synchronized mixing of heat and moisture.

This leads to the proper cooking of the food items involved and adds extra taste to the food.

  • Nutritious values

The setup of earthenware is so accurate that it allows the steam and vapor to stay at a place. Due to this, the cooking becomes easier as one does not need to add more oil in order to cook. Thus cooking in an earthen vessel promotes nutrition.

  • pH balance of the food

The reactions related to acidity and alkalinity are well known. Clay utensils have alkaline properties due to the abundance of clay in it, these alkaline elements can combine with the acids present in the food to neutralize the pH balance and leading to a nutritious as well as a delicious food.   

  •  Less oil requirement

Clay utensils have natural non-stick property in them by the virtue of which they ensure less usage of oil as well as less usage of salt.

  •  Heat retention property

 Clay is a bad conductor of heat. This drawback is wisely used as an advantage in this case because, due to retention of heat, there is no necessity of increasing the temperature. Thus uniform cooking can be done at considerably lower temperature.


  •  Porous nature

Clay pots are porous in nature which can be a relief to a skilled gardener. This is because in case there is excessive of watering, water evaporation is fast through these pores which ultimately saves the plants.

  • Dry plants

Dry plants such as cactus do not require watering. Since the evaporation rate is higher in case of clay pots, the sustainability of these dry plants is never at risk.

  • Recycling

Clay pots are an aid to Eco-friendly surroundings. Since these pots are easily broken, they can reuse as the base upon which new pots can be kept.

The most important utility of terracotta related products is its biodegradable property. Once unused, they automatically decompose not to create any harmful effects. The usage of such products may be tedious but one should not overlook the bunch of advantages these products offer.


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